"Mothers Of The Disappeared" song lyrics by U2

"Mothers Of The Disappeared" song lyrics by U2 from Joshua Tree

U2's "Mothers Of The Disappeared" song lyrics

The Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, is a unique organization of Argentine women who have become human rights activists in order to achieve a common goal. For over three decades, the Mothers have fought for the right to re-unite with their abducted children following the Argentine state sanctioned removal of children from families. The reality is most of these children were killed.

It was this work that inspired Bono's lyrics.

Mothers Of The Disappeared Lyrics

Midnight, our sons and daughters
Were cut down and taken from us
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat

In the wind we hear their laughter
In the rain we see their tears
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat

Night hangs like a prisoner
Stretched over black and blue
Hear their heartbeat
We hear their heartbeat

In the trees our sons stand naked
Through the walls our daughters cry
See their tears in the rainfall

Read more Joshua Tree Lyrics, including "Trip Through Your Wires", "One Tree Hill" and "Exit".


Anonymous said...

This is a truly beautiful song. It would be great if U2 played Mothers of the Disappeared live...

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you!!

Rogan Josh said...

I love playing this on the guitar - it's an amazing melody IMHO !