"Some Days Are Better Than Others" Lyrics Meaning - U2

Monday, August 17, 2009
"Some Days Are Better Than Others," a deceptively simple track tucked away on Zooropa. 

At first blush, it's classic U2 with that anthemic Edge guitar and Bono's yearning vocals. But beneath the shimmering surface lies a meditation on the human condition, a wry acknowledgment of life's inherent inconsistency. 

Bono, ever the observer, sketches out a series of vignettes, capturing the mundane and the profound with equal measure. "Some days are dry, some days are leaky"—it's a playful nod to the unpredictable nature of existence, the emotional weather patterns we all navigate.

"Some Days Are Better Than Others" Lyrics Meaning - U2

But there's a deeper resonance here, a hint of existential angst lurking in the shadows. Lines like "Some days you wake up in the army / And some days it's the enemy" suggest a struggle for identity, a sense of disorientation in a world that can shift beneath your feet. 

And yet, amidst the uncertainty, there's a glimmer of hope. That soaring chorus, with its declaration that "some days are better than others," isn't just a platitude. 

It's a lifeline, a reminder that even in the midst of chaos, moments of grace and clarity exist. It's U2 at their most human, grappling with the complexities of life and finding solace in the simple truth that, well, some days are just better than others.

"Some Days Are Better Than Others" Lyrics Meaning - U2

Some days are dry
Some days are leaky
Some days come clean
Other days are sneaky
Some days take less but most days take more
Some slip through your fingers and onto the floor

Some days your quick but most days you're speedy
Some days you use more force than is necessary
Some days just drop in on us
Some days are better than others

Some days it all adds up and what you've got is enough
Some days are better than others

Some days are slippy
Other days sloppy
Some days you can't stand the sight of a puppy
Your skin is white but you think you're a brother
Some days are better than others

Some days you wake up with her complaining
Some sunny days you wish it was raining
Some days are sulky
Some days have a grin
Some days have bouncers and won't let you in

Some days you hear a voice taking you to another place
Some days are better than others

Some days are honest
Some days are not
Some days you're thankful for what you've got
Some days you wake up in the army
And some days it's the enemy

Some days you work
Most days you're lazy
Some days you feel like a bit of a baby
Looking for Jesus and His mother
Some days are better than others

Some days you feel ahead
You're making sense of what she said
Some days are better than others
Some days you hear a voice taking you to another place
Some days are better than others


"Some Days Are Better Than Others" functions as a grounding force within the dizzying, often disorienting landscape of Zooropa

While the album grapples with themes of technology, media saturation, and a fractured sense of self, this song offers a moment of reflection amidst the chaos. It's a reminder that even in a world of fleeting trends and manufactured emotions, the basic human experience remains constant. We still have good days and bad days, moments of clarity and confusion, feelings of connection and alienation. In a way, it's the album's most human track, stripping away the futuristic sheen to reveal the vulnerable heart beating beneath. 

It's a song that says, yes, the world is changing rapidly, but we're still here, navigating the same ups and downs, searching for meaning in the everyday. 

Check out the lyrics to U2's Numb.

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