"Alex Descends Into Hell For A Bottle Of Milk/Korova 1" Lyrics U2

Alex Descends was the b-side to the 1991 single, The Fly, from the Achtung Baby album.

It was mostly an instrumental but with the following latin lyrics. They complement 'The Fly' a song which Bono said was a 'phone call from hell".

"Alex Descends Into Hell For A Bottle Of Milk/Korova 1" Lyrics U2

"Alex Descends Into Hell For A Bottle Of Milk/Korova 1" Lyrics U2

Dies irae, dies illa
Dies irae, dies illa
Tuba mirum spargens sonum
Decet in inferno
Dies illa, dies illa

The English translation of the Latin lyrics:

A day of wrath, that day
A day of wrath, that day
The trumpet's wondrous call sounding abroad
He descended into hell
A day of wrath, that day

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