'Oh, Berlin' lyrics by U2 from the Achtung Baby recording sessions

"Oh Berlin" is a song from U2's Achtung Baby recording sessions in 1990-1991, which took place primarily at Hansa Studios in Berlin, Germany. The band was in the midst of a significant transition during this time, both musically and personally. 

After the success of The Joshua Tree and side step of Rattle and Hum, U2 felt the need to reinvent themselves, and the Berlin sessions were pivotal in that shift toward a more experimental sound, embracing alternative rock, industrial influences, and electronic music.

"Oh Berlin" was one of several songs that the band worked on during these sessions but ultimately left unfinished or unreleased on Achtung Baby. Berlin, the city itself, had deep symbolic meaning for U2 during the making of this album. 

The Berlin Wall had just fallen in 1989, marking the end of the Cold War, and the city became a symbol of reunification, freedom, and transformation—mirroring the themes that would later emerge in the album. U2 wanted to capture the atmosphere of this historic moment, but "Oh Berlin" didn't make the final cut, as other tracks like "One" and "The Fly" better represented the emotional and sonic direction they were aiming for.

It's no surprise that U2 wrote a song about Berlin as that's where a lot of recording for the album took place - indeed Zoo Station is so named after a train stop in the city!

Other releases from that time include Down all The Days and Blow Your House Down.

'Oh, Berlin' lyrics by U2

Hasse, hasse, hasse, hasse

White snow turning to slush
A festival of brown in the city of my crush
If you walk around, you can step inside
Köthner Straße achtunddreißig

Oh Berlin
Who could think they would find you by just looking
Oh Berlin
How many of us hide in you
Oh Berlin
To think I could know you by your name

To stare and not be stared
To look and not be seen
To feel new feelings
Rather than understand where you've just been
Fame, huh

Oh Berlin
Who could they would find you by just looking
Oh Berlin
When you flap your angel wings
Oh Berlin
To think that I could know you by your name

Chasing the ghosts of our heroes
Lou Reed, David Bowie, Iggy, Wim Wenders, Rilke
To change location rather than change yourself
To ask for directions rather than ask for help
To remain always a true friend

Oh Berlin
Who could think they would find you by just looking
Oh Berlin
When you flap your angel wings
Oh Berlin
To think that I could know you by your name

Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angelic orders
And even if one to suddenly take me to its heart
I would vanish into its stronger existence
For beauty is nothing but the beginning of terror
That we are still able to bear and we revere it so
Because it calmly disdains to destroy us
Every angel is terror

Every angel is terror
Oh Berlin
Every angel is terror
Every angel is terror
Who would think they could find you by just looking
Every angel is terror
Every angel is terror
Oh Berlin
How many of us hide in you
Oh Berlin
To think that I could know you by a single name

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