How many number one albums has U2 had?

List of U2's number one studio albums 

When you look back at U2's career thus far you can really get an appreciation for all their albums. Starting out as unknown band from Ireland, album by album U2 grew in popularity in the UK and after relentless touring in America U2 made it big with the number one album, The Joshua Tree.

They then have a clear 'middle period' where they went a bit experimental and then returning to their more classic roots beginning with All That You Can't Leave Behind which fostered several hit singles.

List of U2 number one studio albums

So how many number one albums have U2 had?

There are several ways of cutting this as their are so many countries that U2 had number ones in (does a NZ #1 count if you're an American?) so lets do it first by the United Kingdom and then America.

List of U2 number one studio albums from the United Kingdom

So U2 have had 10 number one studio albums on the UK charts. That's not the most though. The Beatles, Madonna, Bruce Springsteen and David Bowie and the Rolling Stones have done as good or better.

Incredibly, Achtung Baby only hit number 2 on the charts. Songs of Innocence made it to number 6 - a very strong showing because U2 released it for free to I-tunes as part of a distribution deal with Apple.

The Joshua Tree has been U2's best selling album, moving approximately 2.8 million copies, making it the 36th most popular selling album of all time. The most popular? Queen's Greatest Hits.

If you were wondering about singles hitting the Top of the Pops, U2 have had 7 UK number ones.
  So, crossing the Atlantic, lets look at how U2's albums have fared in the American Billboard charts.

How many America number one albums has U2 had?

Here's the list of albums that cracked the top of Billboard:
In total U2 have had 9 American number one albums. U2 have a long way to go if they want to catch the Beatles who have had a staggering 19 number one albums! 

If you are wondering about Original Soundtracks Vol 1, don't fret. It's not an official U2 album at all and it's more properly considered a side project with Brian Eno and a supporting list of singers such as Pavarotti. 

It didn't trouble the world wide charts too much either - the highest charting point was number 9 in New Zealand! It made it to 12 in the UK and 76 on the US Billboard charts. 

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