Winter is a song left over from the No Line on the Horizon recording sessions.

The yellow sun
Well it took the hand
Of a country boy
To a city in a far off land
We made no mark
No shadow at all
On the ancient holy streets
Where I learned to crawl
The broken and the bruised
The young and the used
The sure and confused
All here
Words would land on me
Then abandon me
Mangle, untangle me
Leave me on the floor
Rhymes they sprang in me
Summer sang in me
But summer sings in me no more
Now I’m 25
I’m trying to stay alive
In a corner of the world
With no clear enemies to fight
It’s hot as hell
And we’re like butter on toast
But there’s no army in this world
Can fight a ghost
The broken and the bruised
The young and the used
The sure and confused
All here
Words would land on me
Then abandon me
Leave me stranded
In writing on the door
Rhymes began in me
Summer sang in me
But summer sings in me no more
Listening to the cries
The strangers
The silence in the foreign grave
Listening to the thunder
The sky stretched
Stretched over every one
Listening to the tanks
The shy soul
The monster wants to pay
Listening to a chorus
And searching
At 21
I was born a son
And on that day I knew
I could kill
To protect the ones
We put bullets in guns
Or anything it takes
To take a life until it’s still
Winter appears in the war film Brothers at the request of director Jim Sheridan, and it plays over the closing credits.
Bono wrote Winter's lyrics in one night and they were revised just once after that.
Bono wrote Winter's lyrics in one night and they were revised just once after that.
Tobey Maguire's character Captain Sam Cahill was the inspiration for the lyric, with the band noting that the focus on "intense hidden emotion" and the secrets he held inside "was a jumping off point, thematically."
Bono noted that film director Sheridan wanted a "complex song for a complex character" and so the band wrote two songs: "Winter" and "White as Snow".
Bono noted that film director Sheridan wanted a "complex song for a complex character" and so the band wrote two songs: "Winter" and "White as Snow".

"Winter" song lyrics by U2 from the Brothers movie
The yellow sun
Well it took the hand
Of a country boy
To a city in a far off land
We made no mark
No shadow at all
On the ancient holy streets
Where I learned to crawl
The broken and the bruised
The young and the used
The sure and confused
All here
Words would land on me
Then abandon me
Mangle, untangle me
Leave me on the floor
Rhymes they sprang in me
Summer sang in me
But summer sings in me no more
Now I’m 25
I’m trying to stay alive
In a corner of the world
With no clear enemies to fight
It’s hot as hell
And we’re like butter on toast
But there’s no army in this world
Can fight a ghost
The broken and the bruised
The young and the used
The sure and confused
All here
Words would land on me
Then abandon me
Leave me stranded
In writing on the door
Rhymes began in me
Summer sang in me
But summer sings in me no more
Listening to the cries
The strangers
The silence in the foreign grave
Listening to the thunder
The sky stretched
Stretched over every one
Listening to the tanks
The shy soul
The monster wants to pay
Listening to a chorus
And searching
At 21
I was born a son
And on that day I knew
I could kill
To protect the ones
We put bullets in guns
Or anything it takes
To take a life until it’s still
The production of "Winter" underwent several transformations. Initially recorded during the No Line on the Horizon sessions, the song began as a sprawling, experimental piece, heavily influenced by the atmospheric production style of Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois.
Eno's ambient textures and Lanois’ deep sonic layering are evident in the song’s expansive soundscapes, which give the track a cinematic quality. However, U2 ultimately decided that "Winter" did not fit the final tracklist of No Line on the Horizon, which leaned more toward a cohesive rock and experimental mix. Instead, a more stripped-down, somber version of the song was developed for the Brothers soundtrack, bringing the lyrics into sharper focus while maintaining the cold, reflective mood.
This reworked version features The Edge’s haunting guitar work, complemented by minimalist instrumentation that underscores the emotional weight of the song. "Winter" is a powerful example of U2’s ability to craft songs that speak to deeply personal experiences while addressing broader social and existential themes, all set against the backdrop of their signature atmospheric production style.
Check out more U2 song lyrics
Check out more U2 song lyrics